Why the Next Sale Matters More than this One

You may be aware that in advertising copy the idea of the first line is to get you to read the second.

Advertising copy magazine quality

Well, here’s my sales version and if you adopt this mind-set it can have a huge impact on the results you’re currently getting.

Instead of focusing on whatever it is you’re selling now try to concentrate on achieving the sale after that.

Take the pain and stress out of THIS sale and instead deliver the proposal that lays the foundation for a long term relationship – and by the way, it doesn’t matter what you’re selling.

What would it do to your style and content if you went in thinking;

I know you want to buy this one – that’s a given – so that’s not what I want to concentrate on. I’m just going to try and help you make the best choice possible and then deliver it to the best of my ability. I’m going to do such a good job for you with this sale that you will definitely buy the next one off me when you need it.

You see concentrating on customer satisfaction to that extent, matching their needs with benefits that really matter, delivering 100% of your promises and being there afterwards to make sure there’s nothing left that needs sorting out – that’s how you get the next sale.

Funny thing is – that’s how you stand a better chance of getting this one too.

Now listen – I get it, you’re all young, thrusty individuals living in the NOW – it’s all about the next big win.

Fair enough.

But when you start selling to ensure the future sale, when you help people to BUY rather than just SELLING at them, when you set your sights on the long term – then the customer will start to get something really special and you my friend will end up with a career.

The next One-Day Selling with EASE Workshop is taking place in the UK in just a few weeks – you can check content, location and availability at this link


Interested in finding out more? We cover all these topics in greater detail during the following Workshops

Foundation Sales Training     Account Management Training     Sales Prospecting Skills

If you would like to discuss how we can help to develop your team, email us now on info@vardakreuztraining.com, give us a call on 0844 293 9777 – or follow this link to find out a little more about our courses and workshops.

If you were looking to book a training workshop for an individual rather than an in-house training course for an entire team you’ll find everything you need over at our Open Workshops Page by following this link.

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