Sales Management Bootcamp – Manchester
Friday, 25th April 2025
Manchester City Centre (12.30 – 16.00)
OK – if you’re stepping up into a B2B sales team management role – then YOU KNOW you haven’t got any spare time to mess about!
You WANT to hit the ground running and be as good at the job as you can be – but you NEED your team to deliver for you too!
A Sales Director who attended my Sales Leadership Masterclass earlier this year, walked away with a big bag of powerful strategies and useful resources, which she immediately started using to re-engage her sales team.
The biggest impact? A noticeable boost in team motivation and effectiveness – which quickly began translating into more appointments, better conversion rates and sales tracking up above target.
She asked me if I could deliver something similar to her sales leadership team – but requested that it be a little more “bitesize” – a workshop that would set them off in the right direction, without ripping a hole out of their diary (or her training budget 😊)
So, over the summer, I created the Sales Management Half Day Bootcamp for her team – and because it went down so well – we’ve turned that content into an open workshop for everyone else to take advantage of.
It’s taking place soon – and if you manage a B2B Field Sales team it just might be the best afternoon you’ve spent all year.
Half Day Bootcamp Delegate Rate: ONLY £225
This half-day Management boot camp will help you take a good hard look at what’s involved in leading an effective team and how to get the very best out of the people in it.
It has been designed to provide you with a comprehensive introduction to the FAME management process, this boot camp shows how a thorough understanding of four critical steps – Focus; Accountability; Motivation and Education – have helped to transform the results of thousands of managers and their people.
At the end of this boot camp you will be able to:
- Effectively share your business vision with the team
- Work out how to develop team goals based on that vision
- Truly understand what you should be doing with your time as a team manager
- Motivate staff by understanding what drives them
- Challenge your team in a meaningful and effective way
- Learn how to coach your team effectively
- Feel competent and confident enough to conduct staff discipline in a professional (and legal) manner
If those sound like the parts of the job you’d really like to get to grips with – then this half day boot camp is just what you’ve been waiting for
Half Day Bootcamp Delegate Rate: ONLY £225
Who’s it for?
This Sales Management Bootcamp programme was created to develop leaders, but it’s down to earth approach also makes it ideal for recently appointed managers and supervisors who wish to understand the principles of good management practice and require an introduction to tried and tested management techniques.
We’ll be covering the FAME Management Framework which examines 4 key elements
- Focus – The real role of a manager and the requirement for clear goals and direction
- Accountability – Defining responsibilities and the need to be a role model
- Motivation – Understanding the key motivators for different personality types
- Education – Coaching strategies, reviews and the need for continuous improvement
Half Day Bootcamp Delegate Rate: £225
Half Day Bootcamp Delegate Rate: £225