Sales Managers – How Do You Want to Be Remembered?
A quick exercise for any Sales Managers and Sales Directors out there, to work out what it is you’re really trying to achieve – and the legacy you want to leave behind.
There are four pieces of the sales management jigsaw that come together to create the FAME Effect – Focus; Accountability; Motivation & Education.
And during our FAME Management Workshops we view the first – FOCUS – from a number of different angles.
It’s FOCUS that makes us ask – WHAT – as in; “What jobs really need doing?”
Which is all fine and dandy – almost the easiest bit to achieve – for all the external stuff like the sales figures you need to hit, or where you want your brand to be in three years’ time – but what about you?
Where are you going to end up in this plan?
What bits of this really matter to YOU?
Getting focused is great for creating your overall vision and setting your goals, but have you ever considered how YOU – the one who manages the sales team – want to be spoken about when the Board meet up to discuss next year’s promotions and pay -rises?
Now, you might think that that’s not a very important question – but, trust me, if you really want to FOCUS on the real goals – the important stuff – and create a compelling vision that people will be inspired by, then you’ve got to work out how you feel about the things that really matter to you first.
You can’t simply plan this stuff from where you are right now, from your current viewpoint – what you’ve got to do is look right to the end – and then work backwards.
So How Do Sales Managers and Sales Directors Figure Out What They’re Really Trying to Achieve?
Try out the exercise below, and I’ll bet you discover one or two key elements – missing from your current plans – which actually define your true version of success.
Imagine it’s the last day at your current job – members of your sales team, all your peers and colleagues, the entire board of directors and even a few of your favourite customers are gathering to watch you make a little speech and share out the supermarket celebration cake.
Just then, four people step forward and say;
“Due to your outstanding contribution, we’d like to say a few words, if that’s OK?”
These four people are;
- Someone representing your entire team / direct reports (past and present)
- Someone representing all of your team’s customers (past and present)
- Someone representing the heads of all the other departments in the company
- The Big Boss
So, what would you want them to say?
Not what they’d say about you now – WHAT DO YOU WANT THEM TO SAY RIGHT AT THE END?
Here’s how to go about working this out…
Write down the four headings – Team; Customer; Internal Dept & Boss.
Now, take around 5 minutes per heading and write down a shorthand version of all the actions and personality traits that you would like those people to remember you by and the activities and results of your team which you would be proud to be associated with.
Now – take a look at that list.
What do you need to FOCUS on to make each and every comment a reality?
Because here’s the thing;
The Only Way People Will Say Those Things About You – is –
If You Start Acting Like that From Now On
‘Cos they sure as hell won’t say those things if you don’t!
So, take your existing business plan, mission statement and vision – and start to figure out, how you’re going to ensure that it’s more than just the numbers that are achieved at the end of each year – make sure it’s the next step to securing the legacy you want to leave when you’ve gone.
UK Sales Management Workshops
(click on preferred city for full details)
Our Sales Management Open Workshops show you how to piece together the four main elements of successfully managing a team – Focus; Accountability; Motivation; Education – and show you how to get the best out of everyone involved.
At the end of this workshop delegates will be able to:
- Work out how to focus on the real tasks that need to be achieved – and find a way to ensure every member of their team is doing that too.
- Create a culture where every member of the team understands that they are accountable and responsible for their own success – and recognise exactly what that makes them accountable for.
- Genuinely motivate people to over deliver -and even more importantly – learn how to make sure you don’t demotivate them.
- Coach the entire team to greater things – learn how to give them a net of their own rather than continuously feeding them individual fish.
- Feel competent and confident enough to conduct staff discipline in a professional (and legal) manner.
(click on preferred city name for full details)