Free Sales Management Email Series
In this series of free emails and articles we’ll be sharing how to;
Give a laser focus for success to every member of your sales team
Genuinely motivate your sales team to over-deliver
Understand how to coach the entire team to greater things
Feel confident enough to discipline those who step out of line in a professional (and legal) way.
Let me ask you a question…
Why did they give you your Sales Management position?
Back in the day, my first sales management role was handed to me because of my sales success – it had nothing to do with my limited management experience.
And for quite a while, I was left to work out how to get the management thing done all by myself.
And let me tell you, it didn’t always go to plan.
But you don’t have to find out the hard way like I had to.
In fact, a little while ago we simplified the whole process into four simple and understandable sub-sections.
And then I put all my experience into this free email series
So, fill in the form below and then click the subscribe button – and I’ll make sure you’ve climbed to the top of the management mountain way before most of your colleagues and competition have even got their walking boots on