Free Sales Leadership Email Series

We’ve put together this series of emails and articles to help those who manage sales teams – people just like you – to become outstanding Sales Leaders.

I’ll be sharing how to;

  • FOCUS on what really needs to be achieved – and ensure every member of your team is focusing on their job too

  • Create a culture of ACCOUNTABILITY where the whole team works to make your job as easy as possible

  • Genuinely MOTIVATE people to over deliver – and even more importantly – learn how not to demotivate them

  • Coach the entire team to greater things

  • Confidently conduct staff discipline procedures in a professional (and legal) manner

Let me ask you this question – and please be brutally honest with your answer:

Is managing your sales team easy and enjoyable all the time? 

Back in the day, I got promoted into my first sales management role solely because of my Sales Achievements and NOT my limited Management Experience – and for quite a while I was left to work out what happened next all by myself.

And it definitely didn’t always go to plan.

If you asked me back then what worried me about the job, it would probably be the same 4 subjects that come up time and again during foundation management workshops;

  • Delegation (Should I be doing all of this? Is this my job or theirs?)
  • Motivation (Why can’t they just get the job done?)
  • Direction (Why won’t they follow my map? Actually, which way should I be going?) – and
  • DISCIPLINE (especially the “it’s time to go” chat)

And the reason is this;

Those are the 4 things that no one ever tells you how to execute effectively – but have the biggest impact on every sales managers results.

But you don’t have to find all this out the hard way like I had to.

In fact, a little while ago I simplified the whole process into four simple and understandable sub-sections.

  • Focus

  • Accountability

  • Motivation

  • Education

And then I put all my experience into this free email series

So, fill in the form below and then click the subscribe button – and I’ll make sure you’ve climbed to the top of the management mountain way before most of your colleagues and competition have even got their walking boots on

Free Sales Leadership Email Series

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